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Email is not secure enough.

Kevlarr adds security using known and proven technical standards.

What is DKIM?

DKIM is a technique for providing your email message with a digital signature. In other words, it is a technique where an organization can take responsibility for a message that is sent by email. This allows the recipient to know with certainty that parts of the email, including the content and attachments, have not been modified along the way.


DKIM itself is not an anti-spam technique, but a technique that can guard the authenticity of an email.

What is SPF?

Unfortunately, it is very easy to send messages on behalf of another email address.


Forging an email address is possible because the email protocol does not check by default whether the person who sends the email is allowed to on behalf of the specific domain. To build in a check, you can use SPF records that describe which servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of the specific domain.

What is DMARC?

Being more than fifty years old email has been the primary form of communication amongst organizations since the last decade. But basically it is just not safe enough.


A number of email validation systems have been developed as a security protocol for email communication. For example, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and PayPal have developed the DMARC specification as a security protocol for the email. DMARC uses the two existing email authentication techniques SPF and DKIM. This protects your mail domain against misuse by means of phishing or spoofing attacks.


Implementing DMARC gives you insight into who is sending emails on behalf of your domain.

What is S-MIME?

S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a widely used email security protocol that provides end-to-end encryption and digital signing for email messages.

It ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of email communications by encrypting the content and attaching a digital signature to verify the sender's identity.


S/MIME is commonly employed in business settings to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access or tampering of email data.

"Tens of thousands of spoof attacks are carried out every day"

What is DMARC?

Being more than fifty years old email has been the primary form of communication amongst organizations since the last decade. But basically it is just not safe enough.


A number of email validation systems have been developed as a security protocol for email communication. For example, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and PayPal have developed the DMARC specification as a security protocol for the email. DMARC uses the two existing email authentication techniques SPF and DKIM. This protects your mail domain against misuse by means of phishing or spoofing attacks.


Implementing DMARC gives you insight into who is sending emails on behalf of your domain.

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